“I saw souls”: remarks on the theory and practice of intercultural and interfaith spiritual care


  • Helmut Weiss Associação Alemã para a Psicologia Pastoral




Interreligious and intercultural pastoral care and counseling, Interculturality.


In this article the author presents a short overview on the theory of intercultural and interreli-gious pastoral care and counseling. He is giving some explanations about the multicultural situation in Europe, the “synthetic” personality and some definition of interculturality. After describing language and culture as “soft” concepts, religion as a “sign language” and giving some remarks to intercultural and interreligious competencies, he brings an example of a con-versation with a patient in a German hospital to give some insight into the practice of intercul-tural and interreligious pastoral care and counseling. He is ending with presenting a few theo-logical thesis.


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Author Biography

Helmut Weiss, Associação Alemã para a Psicologia Pastoral

Pastor e supervisor de ensino da Associação Alemã para a Psicologia Pastoral, especialista em pastoral e aconselhamento, fundador e presidente da Society for Intercultural Pastoral e Aconselhamento SIPCC.


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How to Cite

Weiss, H. (2011). “I saw souls”: remarks on the theory and practice of intercultural and interfaith spiritual care. Pistis Praxis, 3(2), 467–494. https://doi.org/10.7213/pp.v3i2.13232


