About the Journal


The Journal Pistis & Praxis: Teologia e Pastoral is a four-monthly publication of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR), published for the first time in 2009, to provide a means of disseminating discoveries in the field of Theology, primarily to engage in dialogue with other areas of knowledge, and with national and international researchers on the various focuses that pastoral care presents. To this end, the Board of the Graduate Program in Theology at PUCPR, together with the Editorial Board, defines in each issue of the Journal a theme that will be addressed in the Dossier. This section aims to stimulate debate. The Journal is complemented by articles and scientific essays on subjects of interest and relevance to the field, as well as reviews of significant publications. With national and international circulation, the Journal adopts the double-blind peer review process between the members of the Scientific Council in a double-blind review system; both the names of the reviewers and the authors will remain confidential.

Focus and Scope


The Journal's mission is to socialize the production of theological knowledge, both in its specificity (biblical-theological and historical) and in what results from its dialogue with other sciences, such as Education, Psychology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology and Bioethics, and the Sciences of Religion.

Aim of the Journal

To publish original and unpublished works that promote the dissemination of studies, research, and documents related to the area of Theology, with an emphasis on Pastoral Care, addressing emerging themes capable of sparking the exchange of information, as well as the debate of issues in this field of knowledge.


To establish a reference journal for pastoral theology and interdisciplinary religious studies.

Bibliometric indicators

The Journal Pistis & Praxis, currently Qualis A2, is present on international indexers, including Google Scholar, Redalyc, and Redib.

Bibliographic File

Journal title: Revista Pistis&Praxis, Teologia e Pastoral
Short title: Revista. Pistis Prax., Teol. Pastor.
Published by: Curitiba, PR: PUCPRESS (Associação Paranaense de Cultura)
Periodicity: Quarterly
Type of publication: Continuous Publication
Year the Journal was created: 2009

Indexing Sources

The Journal's thematic focus

The topics covered by Pistis  &  Praxis are linked to the field of Pastoral Theology, articulating two approaches: evangelization and dialogue with society. Dialogue with the community is mediated through other areas of knowledge, such as Education, Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Bioethics, and the Sciences of Religion. Each issue will be organized into two segments: a dossier defined by the Editorial Board and a section with various themes. The Journal will receive:

  • Original Scientific Articles – this is academic work that presents the concise results of research carried out following the scientific method accepted by a community of researchers. For this reason, an article is considered scientific if it has been examined by other scientists who verify the information, the methods, and the logical-methodological accuracy of the conclusions or results obtained.
  • Essays – a short literary text describing ideas, criticisms, and ethical and philosophical reflections on a subject. It is less formal and more flexible than the treatise. It also consists of defending a personal and subjective point of view on a topic (humanistic, philosophical, political, social, cultural, moral, behavioral, literary, or religious) without being based on formalities such as documents or empirical or deductive evidence of a scientific nature.
  • Book review – a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style, and merit.

Manuscript Submission System / Instructions to Authors

When submitting a manuscript, the standardization criteria in the file on the Journal's website must be considered. In addition, authors must:

  1. hold a doctorate or master's degree and be fully responsible for the published content. Submissions from undergraduates, specialists, and master's students will be accepted when co-authored with a researcher who meets the minimum degree requirement;
  2. keep the authors anonymous, including possible references that should be suppressed;
  3. send the manuscript containing a minimum of 4,000 words and a maximum of 7,000 words (or a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18 pages) and five (5) keywords;
  4. align your manuscript with the Journal's principles, policies, and mission;
  5. in the submission form, identify the individual contribution of each Author, who must, as a minimum, a. have actively participated in the discussion of the results and b. in the review and approval of the final version of the manuscript. The Journal adopts the CRediT Taxonomy to represent information on the individual contribution of authors;
  6. accept the Journal's Copyright Policy: the copyright of the published manuscript remains with the Author, and the Journal retains the right of first publication;
  7. participate in the review and final approval of the paper before its definitive publication;
  8. strictly follow the standardization of references available on the Journal's website - TEMPLATE and bibliographical references ABNT-NBR 10520-2023.

Peer Review Process

All articles are subject to review by at least two evaluators who are specialists in the subject matter of the texts to meet the standards of academic excellence. An editor will consider submissions and "if not immediately rejected," forwarded to expert reviewers, whose identities will remain anonymous to the authors.

Conflict of interest of authors, reviewers, and referees

Authors, reviewers, and referees must immediately inform the editors if they have any personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial conflicts in evaluating the manuscript. Thus, authors must communicate this impediment at the time of submission. At the same time, reviewers must do so in the manuscript evaluation form, section "Conflict of Interest," at which time the Reviewer may decline/refuse to participate in the evaluation process.


Instructions to Authors after Manuscript Approval:

Pistis & Praxis Journal adopts the following criteria for notifying authors of manuscript approval:

  1. Once the blind and peer reviews have been received, the editors will inform the authors of the outcome and express their opinion on the result;
  2. In the event of approval, the manuscript will be sent immediately to the Journal's technical review and layout team. The authors will then receive the manuscript to approve, reject, or suggest new and specific corrections to the text, which must be returned to the editors within ten days;
  3. Once the authors have approved the technical revision and layout work, the Manuscripts will be sent to the Editorial Team for publication;
  4. The guidelines of COPE (Committee of Ethics in Publication) and the Council of Science Editors are followed for the correction of manuscripts (Errata, Retraction, and Expression of concern) after their electronic Publication.
  5. The editors will analyze all requests that point to problems in a publication, adopting the ethical commitment of the Journal and the legislation in force in Brazil at the time the act is notified.


The average time between submission and the evaluators' response is 90 (ninety) days. The average time between approval of the article and its publication is 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, which may be altered due to editorial processes such as grammatical revision, layout, and XML marking.

Collection of Fees

Pistis & Praxis Journal does not charge authors any fees for processing and submission.



Open Access Policy

This Journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public leads to greater global democratization of knowledge.

Digital Registration

Articles published in this journal receive a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) one week after publication, guaranteeing that the articles published by Pistis & Praxis have an unique digital identification, permanence in the web field and making them easier to find online.


Pistis & Praxis

The Journal Pistis & Praxis: Teologia e Pastoral, published every four months by the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) and published for the first time in 2009, provides a means of disseminating discoveries in the field of theology, primarily to engage in dialogue with other areas of knowledge and with national and international researchers on the various focal points that pastoral care presents. To this end, the Board of the Graduate Program in Theology at PUCPR, together with the Editorial Board, defines in each issue of the Journal a theme that will be addressed in the Dossier. This section aims to stimulate debate.

The Journal is complemented by articles and scientific essays on subjects of interest and relevance to the field, as well as reviews of significant publications. With national and international circulation, the Journal adopts the double-blind peer review process between the members of the Scientific Council in a double-anonymous review system; both the names of the reviewers and the authors will remain confidential.