Anaerobic enhancement of protease secretion by periodontal Candida albicans strains


  • Edvaldo Antonio Ribeiro Rosa
  • Alinne Ulbrich Mores Rymovicz
  • Rodrigo Nunes Rached
  • Ana Maria Trindade Grégio
  • Wander José da Silva
  • Lakshman Perera Samaranayake



Candida albicans, Sap, Periodontal


Introduction: Among other non-bacterial organisms, yeasts have been isolated from subgingival sites with relative frequency. Candida albicans is the species most commonly isolated although its role in periodontal disease has not been established. Objective: This study evaluated the secretion patterns of aspartyl-protease (Sap) by periodontal and nonperiodontal Candida albicans strains in normoxic and anoxic conditions. Material and methods: Periodontal strains (n=10; periodontal pockets ≥3.00 mm) and nonperiodontal Candida albicans strains (n=10) were grown under normoxic and anoxic conditions in protease-inducible broth. Sap activities were quantified in supernatants using azocasein as substrate. Whole-protein contents in supernatants were determined by Bradford’s method. Specific protease activities (Sap activity.protein-1) were assessed and compared. Results: While nonperiodontal strains secrete similar amounts of Sap under both atmospheric conditions, periodontal strains secrete reduced amounts in the presence of molecular oxygen. Conclusion: Despite the limited number of assayed isolates, the possibilities of adaptation or selection of candidal strains to periodontal microenvironment may be considered.


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How to Cite

Rosa, E. A. R., Rymovicz, A. U. M., Rached, R. N., Grégio, A. M. T., Silva, W. J. da, & Samaranayake, L. P. (2013). Anaerobic enhancement of protease secretion by periodontal Candida albicans strains. Archives of Oral Research, 9(2).


