Repercussions of circulatory electrical stimulation on quality of life, lubrication and pelvic floor muscles: a pilot study




Electrical stimulation. Electromyography. Lubrication. Menopause. Quality of life.


Introduction: The climacteric is one of the transition periods in the life cycle of women between the reproductive and non-reproductive phase, and it is characterized by various metabolic, psychological and social changes, either by psychic disorders or sexual dysfunctions promoting changes in quality of life. Objective: To analyze the repercussions of electrical stimulation on quality of life, lubrication and myoelectric activity of pelvic floor muscles in postmenopausal women. Methods: This was a pilot study in which the sample consisted of ten menopausal volunteers aged 48-60 years. We used the Female Sexual Function Index questionnaire to determine the improvement in lubrication and the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire to assess quality of life. The pelvic floor muscles were evaluated by electromyography with an intracavitary electrode. The protocol used was: phasic contraction evaluated by three contractions of two seconds and six of rest; three tonic contractions for ten seconds with ten-second rest; and endurance for thirty seconds. The intervention was performed by another researcher, through circulatory stimulation with the Dualpex 961 Quark®. Results: Electromyography after circulatory stimulation showed statistically significant results with an increase in Fast Fourier Transform in tonic and phasic contractions, obtaining a positive effect on the perception and awareness of contractions due to increased blood flow. Also, there was improvement in lubrication and quality of life in all areas. Conclusion: Circulatory stimulation had repercussions on pelvic floor muscles in menopausal women in both muscle physiology and lubrication, with an influence on the quality of life of volunteers.


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Author Biographies

Emanuelle Milayne Araújo dos Santos, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP)

Center for Biological Sciences and Health

Amanda Lopes Moura, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP)

Center for Biological Sciences and Health

Lucas Queiroz de Arruda, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP)

Center for Biological Sciences and Health

Silvana Maria de Macedo Uchôa, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP)

Center for Biological Sciences and Health



How to Cite

Santos, E. M. A. dos, Moura, A. L., Arruda, L. Q. de, & Uchôa, S. M. de M. (2022). Repercussions of circulatory electrical stimulation on quality of life, lubrication and pelvic floor muscles: a pilot study . Fisioterapia Em Movimento (Physical Therapy in Movement), 35.