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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF.
  • The texts must have a minimum of three (3) pages and a maximum of fifteen (15) pages, counting tables, graphs, figures and charts and without considering the pages of references. The numbering of the page starts on the title page with the number 1. All pages should be numbered using Arabic numerals.
  • The page configuration should obey the following margins: top 3cm, left 3cm, bottom 2cm and right 2cm (A4 format).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed

Author Guidelines

Standard rules for publication in Revista do Círculo de Estudos Bandeirantes


Only original unpublished researches are accepted for publication. The use of texts previously published by the author, whether in print or online, should only be included as a citation.

Círculo de Estudos Bandeirantes accepts articles from history and related disciplines, partial reports of research in development, unpublished documents and interviews, critical reviews, communications of dissertations and thesis and notes related to events.

It is accepted articles from:

  • Postgraduates researchers (masters, doctors and PhD’s) and post-graduate students (master's and doctorate).
  • Graduates and students of graduation (including specialization) only in joint authorship with their mentors (who must have master/doctorate degree).
  • Associates of the Círculo de Estudos Bandeirantes.


The publication of articles is interrelated to prior approval by the Editorial Board of the journal.

The acceptance of articles depends on the following criteria:

• Reviewers' recommendation;

• Application of the necessary adjustments by the author(s);

• Approval of the Editorial Committee, whose resolution will include the following evaluations:

  • Accept;
  • Obligatory corrections;
  • Resubmit for evaluation;
  • Reject;
  • See comments.


Articles and other texts should follow the following guidelines:


Title: In the author's native language; bold; Times New Roman font; size 14; centered; only the first letter must be in capital except proper names, without numbering. Single spacing between title lines and double spacing between title and author.

Secondary title (if there was one): In a differ language from the author's native language; italic without bold; Times New Roman font; size 12; centered; only the first letter must be in capital except proper names, without numbering.

Author(s): Full name in bold; Times New Roman font; size 12; centered; separated by commas; do not insert dot when there is more than one author, and marked with letters [a].

Mini-curiculum: Academic degree; institutional affiliation (full name of institution and abbreviation in parenthesis); employment relationship; city; state (abbreviation) - country. Times New Roman font, size 10, single spacing.

Contact: E-mail. Times New Roman font, size 10, without italic and without dot.

Abstract: Minimum of 100 words, maximum of 250 words, in the original language, justified, single spacing and without insert a paragraph. Times New Roman font, size 11.

Keywords: In the original language, three to five words, separated by an end point and with the first capital letter. Times New Roman font, size 11.

Epigraph: Must contain author's name in upper case, date and citation page. It must appear at the end of the study in the references. Times New Roman font, size 12.


Body text

1. Introduction: it must present the object of study and/or the contextualization of the report to be exposed;

2. Analysis: discussion and/or interpretation of the presented data, as well as the results obtained from the topics raised in the Introduction;

3. Conclusion: this is the closing of the text, presenting the results.

4. Citations: it must be in accordance with NBR10520 (2002). The word “page” should be abbreviated using “p.” for page and “pp.” for the word “pages” in all cases of citation. The author's last name is used as follows:

4.1. Direct quote of up to three lines (or 40 words) inside the text with double quotation marks; it can be preceded by the indication Author (date, p.) or succeeded by the indication (AUTHOR, date, p.).

4.2. With more than three lines (or more than 40 words), the direct quotation should be in a separate paragraph, indented 4cm from the left margin, without quotes, in Times New Roman font, size 10, justified and single spaced. The preceding paragraph must end in a semicolon (:) and the quotation should begin with a lowercase letter, except for proper names. Between the preceding and following paragraphs, there must be a line spacing (1.5). The indication Author and Author (date, p.) may precede the quotation or may come at the end of the quotation (AUTHOR, AUTHOR, date, p.).

4.3. For indirect or paraphrasic quotation, the indication of authorship may come before Author (date, p.) or at the end of the quotation (AUTHOR, date, p.). Page indication is optional.

4.4. The quotation from another quotation should be avoided, always seeking to consult the original work. If this is not possible, you can enter the indication before Author (date apud AUTHOR, date, p.) or after the quotation (AUTHOR, date apud AUTHOR, date, p.)

5. Paragraphs: justified, font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5.

6. Subtitles: left-aligned, Times New Roman font, size 12, unnumbered, not bold or italic, separated from the body text by a space before and after.

7. Figures and graphics: it should contain title placed immediately above, in Times New Roman font, size 12, left-aligned and legend/source placed immediately below, in Times New Roman font, size 10, left-aligned. They should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Copies should be sent digitalized in minimum resolution of 300 dpi, saved in .jpg or .tiff format.

8. Charts and tables: it should contain title placed immediately above in Times New Roman font, size 12, left-aligned and legend/source placed immediately below, in Times New Roman font, size 10, left-aligned. They should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Copies must be submitted as a separate .doc or .xls file.

9. Bullets and numbering: bullets should start in lowercase and end with a semicolon. The last marker ends with a dot.

10. Footnotes: it should only be used to include observations or additional information, never as references.

11. Italic and bold: Italic should be used in foreign words, title of theoretical studies and to emphasize the meaning given to words. You should avoid using bold.

12. Quotes: double quotation marks for short quotation and chapters of works. Single quotation marks should only be used to mark a quotation within another quotation.

13. Numbers: numbers up to ten should be written in full, except for figures, graphs, charts, tables, and units of measure.



According to NBR 6023, the references are arranged in alphabetical order, considering the surname of the first author, regardless of the type of material consulted (book, article or Internet text), and listed at the end of the work. They should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, single-spaced, and aligned to the left. Between one reference and another, the line space used must be 1.5. Only citations in the body text should be included in the references.

Book of one author:

SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle (if there is one). Edition. City: Publisher, year of publication.


Book with up to three authors: Semi-colons (;) must separate names:

SURNAME, First name; SURNAME, First name; SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle (if there is one). Edition. Place: Publisher, year of publication.


Book with more than three authors: only the first author is cited, followed by the Latin expression “et al .”:

SURNAME, First name et al. Title: subtitle (if there is one). Edition. Place: Publisher, year of publication.


Book Chapters:

SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle (if there is one). In: SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle (if there is one). Edition. Place: Publisher, year of publication. p. XX-XX (initial to final page).


Dissertations or thesis:

SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle (if any). Year. Number of pages. Type of document (degree) - academic institution, location (city), date of defense.

* Note: documents taken from the internet must contain at the end: Available at: <full url address>. Accessed in: day month year.


Journal articles:

SURNAME, First name. Title of the article. Journal title, Location, volume, number, p. XX-XX (initial to final page), publication date.

* Note: for online journals, adopt the same model of printed journals, placing at the end: Available at: <full url address>. Accessed in: day month year. If the research has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), it must come after the date of access.


Papers presented at congresses:

SURNAME, First name. Title. In: FULL NAME OF EVENT, event number in Arabic numeral, year, local. Title (Annals, Abstracts or Proceedings).... Location: Publisher, year. p. XX-XX (initial to final page).


Institutional Authorship:

Name of the Institution (Acronym). Title: subtitle (if any). City: Publisher, year of publication.



JURISDICTION (Name of the country, state or municipality). Title and numbering, date and publication data.


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