Crossing histories: Brazilian planners of São Paulo and their transnational references (1910-1930)


  • Heliana Angotti-Salgueiro Presbyterian Mackenzie University
  • José Geraldo Simões Junior Presbyterian Mackenzie University

Palabras clave:

Brazilian planners, international dissemination, city plan ideals.


This paper examines how some pioneering planners in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, Victor Freire, Prestes Maia, Ulhoa Cintra, and Anhaia Mello disseminated and appropriated the dominant principles of international urbanism in the period 1910-1930. The education in city planning is directly associated with the repertoire of engineering courses and professional associations. In this environment, where public debates on urban issues were intense, it is worth noting the presence of English urbanist Barry Parker, who lived for two years in São Paulo, implementing innovative projects and debating with local planners. The access to urban planning manuals and reviews, and the presence of these Brazilian professionals in international seminars, led to the dissemination of the international ideals and some resulting essays on the way these ideals could be applied in many fields: urban regulations, projects in downtown areas, housing, sanitation, town extension plans, city management, zoning, among others. Contradictions among practices, actors and references are requesting a conceptual and methodological effort attentive to the historical dimension of the “circulation” of ideals or their limits of intelligibility and reception in other scales of time and place, such as the one proposed in this paper.


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Biografía del autor/a

Heliana Angotti-Salgueiro, Presbyterian Mackenzie University

Historian, PhD, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Presbyterian Mackenzie University

José Geraldo Simões Junior, Presbyterian Mackenzie University

Architect, PhD, Prof. FAU, Presbyterian Mackenzie University


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Cómo citar

Angotti-Salgueiro, H., & Simões Junior, J. G. (2020). Crossing histories: Brazilian planners of São Paulo and their transnational references (1910-1930). Revista Brasileira De Gestão Urbana, 12. Recuperado a partir de


