Beyond the freedom to build: Long-term outcomes of Elemental’s incremental housing in Quinta Monroy



Quinta Monroy, Elemental, incremental housing, Iquique, Chile.


In 2003, the Chilean architecture firm Elemental began to revisit the idea of partially completed housing harnessing the productive capacities of the informal process within a more formal framework. The Quinta Monroy project in the northern Chilean city of Iquique was the first such project and involved the in-situ replacement of an informal settlement. The desire of residents was for a middle-class house that was beyond the scope of their budget or the subsidy. The Elemental project at Quinta Monroy comprised 93 expandable houses designed in parallel buildings and organized in four courtyards aiming to promote community interaction and maintain neighbors’ affinities. This paper investigates the process of housing adaptation through self-construction twelve years after the residents received their homes in 2005. The strategy to promote resident-driven expansions has been successful as 92 out of 93 households expanded their homes. The most significant concerns focused on the deterioration of living standards due to progressive and uncontrollable extensions which might have significant impacts on the settlement development. The findings from this paper focus on the neighbors’ negotiations for housing extensions and the risk of the re-creation of precarious living environments evidencing limitations for unassisted or spontaneous incremental schemes of housing development


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How to Cite

Carrasco, S., & O’Brien, D. (2021). Beyond the freedom to build: Long-term outcomes of Elemental’s incremental housing in Quinta Monroy. Revista Brasileira De Gestão Urbana, 13(4). Retrieved from


