Eco-innovation and organizational strategy: a bibliometric study in the last 15 years (2001-2015)


  • Adilson Carlos da Rocha
  • Pedro José Steiner Neto
  • João Carlos Cunha
  • Larissa Mongruel Martins de Lara
  • Zélia Halicki



Strategy, Eco-innovation, Bibliometrics, Web of Science, Scopus.


This study aimed to analyze the characteristics of publications dealing with the Eco-innovation and Strategy issues in the databases Web of Science and Scopus in the period 2001-2015, and identify what topics are being studied along this theme and which are the most relevant, conducting a comparison of results found in the two databases (Web of Science and Scopus). The study has a quantitative approach in order that sought to evaluate some variables related to scientific production on the subject researched. The analysis found 96 publications in the Web of Science and 109 in Scopus. Comparing both surveyed bases it is found that the number of publications increased dramatically in the last decade and that European countries lead the ranking as the number of publications. It is noticed that in both databases, the authors of the most cited publications are not among the authors who have published over in the period. The most cited articles in both surveyed bases belong to the journals: Journal of Cleaner Production and Technovation.


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Como Citar

da Rocha, A. C., Neto, P. J. S., Cunha, J. C., Lara, L. M. M. de, & Halicki, Z. (2017). Eco-innovation and organizational strategy: a bibliometric study in the last 15 years (2001-2015). REBRAE, 10(3), 478–497.


