Fundraising and its difficulties: the case of the Incubators of Paraná


  • Claudineia Kudlawicz
  • Tatiana Marceda Bach
  • Carlos Otávio Senff



Incubators, Financial resources, Financing fonts.


Analysing how business incubators raise funds and what are difficulties from this process is the objective of this study. Incubators and Incubated companies can get its financing fonts in many ways, by own capital or a third party. Among these, it can be mentioned the institutional arrangements of the financial systems, with the companies opt for financing its investments to innovation and, decisions about the sort and quantity of financing to its investments, that can be conditioned by specific factors, as size, structure and payment conditions. In reason to identify how financial resources are collect and its financial difficulties, it was made a multiple case study, from qualitative-descriptive type, with semi-structured interviews, conducted with three incubators of companies from Paraná’s state. The results indicated that the financial resources are fundraising, in its majority, by notes fomentation, individual actions made by the incubators and, when plausible, by the maintenance entity. The difficulties faced in the fundraising of financial resources are revealed by the presence of scarce financing sources and the restrictions in the institutions’ budget that they are linked, also by the analysed incubators do not be financially sustainable. It was also verified the actions’ promotion together with other institutions like SEBRAE and FIEP to the performance of lectures, workshops or courses, that may or may not generate financial resources. The study’s contribution is in the comprehension of how is the fundraising and its difficulties, because these results may supply indications that improvement actions in resource can be accomplished, because of the importance of these institutions for the development of technology and innovation, once that its role allows the rise of new business and development of the existing, besides the fomentation of the society’s development.


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Como Citar

Kudlawicz, C., Marceda Bach, T., & Senff, C. O. (2015). Fundraising and its difficulties: the case of the Incubators of Paraná. REBRAE, 8(3), 371–385.


