Strategic group and financial performance in the brazilian construction sector: an empirical relationship


  • Elizabete de Lurdes Pedroso
  • Suellen Camargo de Alcântara
  • David Ascher
  • Luiz Carlos Benner
  • Joel Pereira Munhoz Junior
  • Eduardo Damião da Silva


Palabras clave:

ANOVA. Strategic dimension. ROA. Debt level


The history of the construction industry in Brazil has passed through periods of ups and downs until 2003. It is today the main player in the Brazilian economy contributing to the production chain with 8.3% in the formation of the total GDP. This paper aimed to evaluate if there is significant evidence of differences between strategic groups of Brazilian construction companies in their
financial performance. Therefore, it used the theoretical support of Porter (1986) take into consideration that these strategic groups are composed of companies in the industry sector, and they are following the same or similar strategy over the strategic dimensions. The data gathering occurs in the database of Economática Software Investments S.A., totaling 62 companies. Nevertheless, only 26 companies were part of the non-probability sampling by accessibility due to the availability of all data necessary for analysis. The variables are related to the size, return on assets (ROA) and debt level. Data analysis techniques ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis (KW) was used to evaluate the hypothesis formulated. The results of hypothesis testing showed the rejection of the null hypothesis due to of no statistically significant differences, considering a 10% significance level.


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Cómo citar

Pedroso, E. de L., Camargo de Alcântara, S., Ascher, D., Benner, L. C., Pereira Munhoz Junior, J., & da Silva, E. D. (2016). Strategic group and financial performance in the brazilian construction sector: an empirical relationship. REBRAE, 9(2), 198–217.


