Small Municipalities and Planning: Dilemmas and Perspectives


  • Gabriel Marquez
  • Eliane Salete Filippim
  • Fábio Lazzarotti
  • Augusto Fischer


Palabras clave:

Strategic, process, knowledge management, higher education institutions


The paper aims to understand the experience in preparing a training strategy linked to knowledge management, learning and organizational change done at a private institution of higher education. More specifically, it seeks to detail the stages of development, analyzing the difficulties faced and provide indicators of change throughout the process. A feature of the strategic process in the researched organization led the search for a theoretical discussion could involve strategy, knowledge and change. This association was fully viable when considering events that are mobilized by people interacting in a defined context. It uses a methodology of action research in which the investigative
process includes a cycle of planning, action, observation and reflection. As a result, we defined four general indicators of the actions and influencers nine indicators of knowledge management should be promoted in the strategic process.


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Cómo citar

Marquez, G., Filippim, E. S., Lazzarotti, F., & Fischer, A. (2015). Small Municipalities and Planning: Dilemmas and Perspectives. REBRAE, 8(2), 229–248.


