
La revista no acepta envíos en este momento.

Lista de comprobación para la preparación de envíos

Como parte del proceso de envío, los autores/as están obligados a comprobar que su envío cumpla todos los elementos que se muestran a continuación. Se devolverán a los autores/as aquellos envíos que no cumplan estas directrices.
  • The author guarantees that any work submitted to PUCPRESS is original and not ellaborated while violating any rights of third parties, and that every needed authorization to include complementary content, such as but not restricted to translations, illustrations, charts and citation, was given by the owners of the rights. The author also commits to indicating the precise source of every complementary content and declares that the works do not contain defamatory statements or any that might hurt morals, customs, the Marist Group conduct codes and/or violate any rights of intelectual property.

Directrices para autores/as

Technical norms

LAYOUT: Manuscript must be typed in Word for Windows, using Times New Roman 12 with 1,5 line spaced, justified paragraph and A4 format. It is recommended a maximum of 20 pages including references, illustrations, pictures, graphics, tables and charts. 
FRONT PAGE: The front page must include the title in original language (BOLD CAPS, Times New Roman 14, italic, centralized). The title must contain 12 words maximum, being sufficiently specific and descriptive. Two spaces below the title must be the name, filiation and email of all the authors (Times New Roman 11 – centralized). Abstract with maximum of 300 words and the key-words also need to be in the front page. 
3. ABSTRACT: Must be written in a single paragraph using Times New Roman 11, single line spaced, justified paragraph and have a maximum of 300 words. Objective, methodology and results must be included in abstract.
4. KEY-WORDS: Must be presented just after the Abstract and the author may use between 3 to 5 descriptors.
5. INTRODUCTION: A concise text presenting research boundary and context, problem statement, purpose of the study and papers’ structure.
6. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND: It is the part of the text that contain, at least, a chronological review of the main authors that already made some contributions to the solution of the problem (the state of the art) and the framework reference followed by the author in the article. 
7. METHODOLOGY: The article must contain a session dedicated to the methodology. It must contain the research classification, universe, sample, data collecting process and problem and data analysis approach.
8. RESULTS: Short description of results relating them to the results already obtained by other authors on the same problem.
9. CONCLUSIONS: Synthetic text stating the main contributions to the solution of the proposed problem. The conclusions must be related to the general and specifics objectives of the article.
10. REFERENCES and CITATIONS: Only the citations contained in the text should be referenced. References should be organized and presented in alphabetical order according to the first author´s surname. Editorial policy mandates the use of the APA or ABNT NBR 6023 Style.

Declaración de privacidad

The names and addresses informed in REBRAE will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.