Mission in the Asian Multi-religious Context
Mission. Religious diversity. Change. Cultural context.Resumo
The present moment is a time of great promise because of globalisation, technological advancement, growth in communication facilities and internet. People have come closer and become more interdependent. Yet, at the same time, increased violence, a growing forgetfulness of God, and consequent feelings of fear and insecurity have become a reality in the world over, particularly in Asia. Furthermore, such phenomena as religious fanaticism and terrorism threaten our future hopes. In this situation, we have to rediscover the meaning of the Christian mission in the emerging context. As the Church evangelises in a real world that is constantly changing, the emphasis in the activities of the church also changes with time. A new understanding of evangelization in the multiple context and new tools which should be used is the need of the time to make the Gospel relevant today.
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PUTHANANGADY, P. What does Evangelisation mean in the Indian Context? Kristu Jyoti, v. 8, Mar. 1992.
STANISLAUS, L.; D’SOUZA, A. (Eds.). Prophetic Dialogue: Challenges and Prospects in India. Pune: Ishvani Kendra/Delhi: ISPCK, 2003.
TAN, J. Y. From ‘Missio ad gentes’ to ‘Missio inter Gentes’. I.: Shaping a New Paradigm for Doing Christian Mission in Asia. Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, v. 68, n. 9, p. 670-686, Sep. 2004.
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