Innovative strategies; Strategic planning; Sustainable urban mobility.


  • Sheila Trícia Guedes Pastana PPGA-UNP
  • Glauber Ruan Barbosa Pereira PPGA-UNP
  • Kleber Cavalcanti Nóbrega PPGA-UNP
  • Domingos Fernandes Campos PPGA-UNP



Innovative strategies, Strategic planning, Sustainable urban mobility.


This study aims to identify in the scientific literature works related to innovative strategies in the planning of sustainable urban mobility. We sought relevant scientific productions in the Web of Science™ and Scopus databases. After the analysis, and based on the literature review hereby developed, there is still no common ground on the concept of sustainable urban mobility, but it is true that if nothing is done in time, the quality of life in urban city spaces will be unsustainable. Challenges to achieving sustainable mobility are complex, as they involve changes in thinking, innovation strategies, using and planning of urban logistics.


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Author Biographies

Sheila Trícia Guedes Pastana, PPGA-UNP

Doctoral student in Administration - Potiguar University (PPGA-UnP), a member of the Laureate International Universities, Natal, RN, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]

Glauber Ruan Barbosa Pereira, PPGA-UNP

Doctoral student in Business and Organizations - Potiguar University (PPGA-UNP), a member of the Laureate International Universities, Natal, RN, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]

Kleber Cavalcanti Nóbrega, PPGA-UNP

Professor at the Potiguar University (PPGA-UNP), Natal, Brazil. Ph.D. in Engineering. E-mail: [email protected]

Domingos Fernandes Campos, PPGA-UNP

Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the Potiguar University (PPGA-UNP), Natal, Brazil. Ph.D. in Production Engineering from the Polytechnical University of Madrid, Spain (1989). E-mail: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Pastana, S. T. G., Pereira, G. R. B., Nóbrega, K. C., & Campos, D. F. (2019). Innovative strategies; Strategic planning; Sustainable urban mobility. REBRAE, 12(1), 62–73.


