The organization environment influence from a resort on Paraiba state coast to satisfy the guest


  • Anna Luíza Lima de Souza UFPB
  • Thales Batista de Lima UFPB



Organizational environment. Satisfaction Hospitality Resort.


This article aims to analyze the ability of the studied resort in satisfying the guest from the organizational environment. Therefore, the research has a qualitative character, a descriptive type, and nature applied being used the interpretative and evocative analysis of the data. Among the results, one identifies that the establishment of the resort benefited the local community because the enterprise is a reference in the region of Conde/PB. The Manager and his staff care about their guests, once they create strategic plans to satisfy and retain the guest based on the environmental analysis. One concluded that there was a satisfactory result in the processes used by the resort to reach guest satisfaction and how one can use the environment on its favor.


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Author Biographies

Anna Luíza Lima de Souza, UFPB

Bachelor in Hospitality/UFPB. Mamanguape, Paraíba E-mail: [email protected]

Thales Batista de Lima, UFPB

Doctor in Business Administration. Assistant Professor II from DCSA/UFPB Mamanguape, Paraiba. E-mail: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Souza, A. L. L. de, & Lima, T. B. de. (2019). The organization environment influence from a resort on Paraiba state coast to satisfy the guest. REBRAE, 12(1), 31–43.


