Cognition of a successful professional: a study on the mental constructs of millennials


  • Júlio Adriano Ferreira dos Reis
  • Simone Cristina Ramos



Career. Millennials. Cognitive constructs.


This article addresses the development of the first qualitative stage of a broader research project that seeks to construct and validate a semantic differential on career adapted for millennials. To this end, the aim of this work was to elucidate which mental constructs represent a successful career for millennials, also known as Generation Y. The model of career anchors by Schein (1996) was used as a theoretical basis for analysis and comparison. The study is inductive and qualitative in nature, with data collected by applying the repertory grid. This technique is based on the psychology of the Personal Constructs of Kelly (1969) and is considered suitable for eliciting cognitive content without interference from the researcher. The results showed a set of eleven more frequent constructs, with the most significant being autonomy and flexibility in execution, social relevance, participation in management, responsibility for results and errors, and training requirement, mentioned by four respondents. The study allowed a new dimension valued by millennials in their careers to emerge in the field: connectivity, represented by the constructs for communication and responsibility for knowledge transmission. The elicitation of the connectivity dimension may be considered the theoretical contribution, strengthening the field of study and organizational practices in relation to the theme. The study also makes recommendations for future research.


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Author Biographies

Júlio Adriano Ferreira dos Reis

Doctor in Strategic Administration - Unochapecó, Chapecó, SC, Brazil - email: [email protected]

Simone Cristina Ramos

Doctor in Business Administration - Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, PR, Brazil. e-mail: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Ferreira dos Reis, J. A., & Ramos, S. C. (2017). Cognition of a successful professional: a study on the mental constructs of millennials. REBRAE, 11(1), 166–183.


