Framework for urban freight transport analysis in medium-sized cities


  • Mariana Flora São Paulo University (USP)
  • Henrique Ewbank Sorocaba Engineering School (FACENS)
  • José Geraldo Vidal Vieira São Carlos Federal University (UFSCAR)

Parole chiave:

Urban Freight Transport, Medium-sized Cities, Brazilian Medium-sized Cities, Urbanization


The urbanization process, especially the diverse aspects regarding size, function, position and growth of cities, significantly affect the Urban Freight Transport (UFT). This paper deals with behaviour of UFT in medium-sized cities. Here we will identify the attributes that characterize the Medium-sized Cities (MC), as well as the influence factors in UFT. In addition, a survey among specialists and public agents of medium-sized cities is presented, about the level of interaction between attributes that characterize MC and the factors that influence UFT. For analysis and validation of the opinion survey is performed non-parametric statistical test, and an analysis of the confidence interval to define the level of interaction between attributes and UFT factors. As a result, we provide a framework that demonstrates the interaction between attributes of MC and the factors that influence UFT. The factors “Projects and measures of local authorities”, and “Infrastructure available to the UFT”, together with the lack of studies related to freight transport (knowledge, innovation and technological advancement) were identified as the main issues that require attention on UFT in MC. This proposal may contribute to the decision makers regarding urban planning and brings a theoretical contribution to future research in UFT planning studies.


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Come citare

Flora, M., Ewbank, H., & Vieira, J. G. V. (2019). Framework for urban freight transport analysis in medium-sized cities. Revista Brasileira De Gestão Urbana, 11. Recuperato da


