Urban attractiveness in public squares: the mutual influence of the urban environment and the social activities in Batna


  • Wided Guedoudj University of Batna
  • Ahmed Ghenouchi University of Oum El Bouaghi
  • Jean-Yves Toussaint INSA of Lyon

Palabras clave:

public squares, attractiveness, urban environment components and functionalities, sociability.


This study examines how the components of the urban environment and its functionalities influence the attractiveness of public squares (PSs), and how they affect daily activities. This research is based on direct observations and surveys questionnaires . Data were collected from two PSs: May1st1945 square (MS, N=173) and Mohamed Harsous square (HS, N=97), located in Batna city centre (Algeria). The inquiry first includes an evaluation of urban environment layouts; a second evaluation to determine variables linked to environmental functionalities and utilization, and a third evaluation to assess social activities through characteristics of practices. The findings reveal that the components of the urban environment and its functionalities directly influence the attractiveness of PSs, mainly through proximity and comfort, and that shopping and leisure activities are also important for their attractiveness, but remain insufficient. It is shown that attractiveness depends on the duration and variety of activities, including the interaction of people with these components, to foster sociability. In addition, the use of these squares as a function of age and gender, and their appropriations are dealt with, since they have a direct effect on their uses and people’s preferences.


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Biografía del autor/a

Wided Guedoudj, University of Batna

Assistant professor, and PhD candidate, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Batna

Ahmed Ghenouchi, University of Oum El Bouaghi

PhD and lecturer at Institute of Urban Technics Management, University of Oum El Bouaghi

Jean-Yves Toussaint, INSA of Lyon

Professor and laboratory Director, EVS, UMR 5600 of CNRS, Department of Civil Engineering and Urbanism, INSA of Lyon


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Cómo citar

Guedoudj, W., Ghenouchi, A., & Toussaint, J.-Y. (2020). Urban attractiveness in public squares: the mutual influence of the urban environment and the social activities in Batna. Revista Brasileira De Gestão Urbana, 12. Recuperado a partir de https://periodicos.pucpr.br/Urbe/article/view/26456


