Knowledge management and competitive advantage: the case of Sicoob, north-west Paraná


  • Júlio Ernesto Colla
  • Bruno Toshio Yamamoto
  • Júlio Adriano Ferreira dos Reis



Knowledge Management, Competitive Advantage, Credit Union.


This article analyzed the generation of competitive advantage at the Sicoob Bank in the Northwest of Paraná State through knowledge management, in accordance with the perspective of Nonaka and Takeuchi (1997). The theoretical basis is presented in a specific section, divided into two parts. In the first, there are strategy-related concepts from the perspective of knowledge management as a source of competitive advantage, and in the second knowledge management. Using a quantitative approach, a questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale served as the main source of data. The questionnaire contained twenty-two statements addressing the model in question, in addition to a document analysis. After these were studied, they were analyzed according to the perspective of the average scores obtained in the questionnaires. The employees from three service points of the cooperative served as the unit of analysis. The main results show a satisfactory average in the
creation of knowledge and predominant socialization and combination as the modes of knowledge conversion. It was concluded that knowledge management contributes to the generation of competitive advantage at SICOOB, because the model used in the research shows a satisfactory level of transitions of knowledge between individuals, i.e., employees show interest in spreading knowledge among themselves.


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How to Cite

Colla, J. E., Yamamoto, B. T., & Ferreira dos Reis, J. A. (2015). Knowledge management and competitive advantage: the case of Sicoob, north-west Paraná. REBRAE, 8(3), 323–338.


