Scientific publications on innovation: an analysis using text mining


  • Cicero Aparecido Bezerra
  • André José Ribeiro Guimarães



Innovation, Text mining.


The scientific literature on innovation, associated with the business area, has shown not only, strong growth in recent decades, but also diversity in associated topics. In this sense, the objective of this study is to present the terms most used in scientific papers abstracts, where the word 'innovation' is part of the title, over the decades formed between the years 1960 and 2014, as well as the dynamic existing between them. To do this, we used the text mining technique in 40,383 abstracts extracted from some databases. Among the findings, it is emphasized that over the decades the articles has focused, increasingly, on pragmatic aspects, over the theoretical. Similarly, it was noted that the focus of research in innovation has moved from large companies to small organizations. Furthermore, we highlight the case studies as the main research method used. But in recent years, has increased the studies using quantitative methods.


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How to Cite

Bezerra, C. A., & Ribeiro Guimarães, A. J. (2015). Scientific publications on innovation: an analysis using text mining. REBRAE, 8(3), 288–303.


