Analysis of publications about strategy as practice: a mapping of the field by means of bibliometric and sociometric studies


  • André Luís Janzkovski Cardoso



Strategy as Practice, Bibliometric Analysis, Sociometric Analysis, Network Analysis.


The objective of this study is to present a comparative board of the evolution of the strategy as practice approach by means of sociometric and bibliometric analyzes combined with statistical techniques applied to the set of papers available on the Web Isi of Knowledge. The analyzes of periods before and after 2007 indicates evolution on the main group of authors of the strategy as practice approach, but yet with a high amount of peripheral authors. Results indicated a relationship between bibliometric and sociometric data and evidenced that network analysis is a relevant tool for treating data allowing the comprehension of the intellectual structure of a discipline, the identification of significant differences between periods in terms of productivity of authors and the inference about possible evolutionary patterns.


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How to Cite

Janzkovski Cardoso, A. L. (2015). Analysis of publications about strategy as practice: a mapping of the field by means of bibliometric and sociometric studies. REBRAE, 8(2), 118–137.


