Knowledge management influences on strategy dissemination: Cemig case study


  • Kátia Regina de Melo Teixeira
  • Rodrigo Baroni de Carvalho
  • Humberto Elias Garcia Lopes
  • Grace Vieira Becker



Strategy, Knowledge Management, Strategy Dissemination, Strategy Communication.


This study aimed to understand and analyze the influence of Knowledge Management on the process of strategy dissemination at Cemig (Energy Company of Minas Gerais, Brazil). A model linking the interfaces between the themes of Strategy and Knowledge Management was developed as part of the theoretical background. In order to understand the strategy dissemination flow, thirty (30) semi-structured interviews were conducted with employees at all organizational levels: directors, superintendents, managers, and employees with university education as well as technical and operational level education. The documental analysis of files concerning corporate strategy as well as direct observation were conducted, allowing data triangulation. Content analysis was used to analyze the interviews. The results revealed that the existence of knowledge management influences the strategy dissemination in Cemig. This influence, however, varies according to the use of communication channels, tools and practices. It can be noticed that the use of tools and channels is configured as an input accessory (media support). Nevertheless, what really made the difference was the use of face-to-face communication (rich media). The importance of the leader in the process of strategy dissemination was also identified. Not all leaders, even acknowledging the importance of their role in this process, have already put their words into practice. We conclude,
therefore, that there is already a consistent and recognized organizational effort in externalizing strategic knowledge through the various channels, tools and practices available. However, it is clear that the process of internalization of strategic knowledge by the employees still needs to be improved. It is expected that the expansion and maturity of the direct contact between leaders and
teams will strengthen knowledge internalization and the contribution of individual employees to strategy achievement.


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How to Cite

de Melo Teixeira, K. R., Baroni de Carvalho, R., Garcia Lopes, H. E., & Vieira Becker, G. (2015). Knowledge management influences on strategy dissemination: Cemig case study. REBRAE, 8(1), 69–84.


