Strategy of asset portfolio risk diversification through value drivers


  • Francisco Roberto Farias Guimarães Júnior
  • Charles Ulises de Montreuil Carmona
  • Luciana Gondim de Almeida Guimarães



Diversification, Value Drivers, Asset Portfolio Investment.


The risk diversification of an asset portfolio of investments is underlying in the idea that all securities have an idiosyncratic behavior which allows compensating a specific stock loss by the gain achieved by other stock into the portfolio. However, we know that the portfolio selection process should excel for choosing assets capable of creating and generating value on the long term. Thus, the objective of this research was to verify if the portfolios selected through their value drivers present the diversification benefits that were determined in prior researches. We had used the data available at Economatica data base of the following Stock Exchanges: Argentina; Brazil; Chile; and Mexico. To select the portfolios by value drivers we used a model based upon the weighted factors decision matrix where the securities were hierarchized by their grades. The variables used as factors, were the Tobin’s Q, Beta, Leverage, Price/Earning Ratio, and the Price Sales Ratio. All portfolios were compared with that selected through Markowitz (1952) model. The results show us that the portfolios selected through value drivers have obtained the benefits of the diversification process convergent with prior researches. On the other hand, we verified that the stocks amount into portfolios constructed through Markowitz (1952) model have had high positive correlation with the stocks amount in the Stock Exchange what resulted in portfolios with 44 assets, for instance. For future studies we suggest: the using of generalized linear model instead the multiple regressions to figure out the factor weights; to use others fundamentalist variables; to apply this study in other Stock Exchanges.


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How to Cite

Farias Guimarães Júnior, F. R., de Montreuil Carmona, C. U., & Gondim de Almeida Guimarães, L. (2015). Strategy of asset portfolio risk diversification through value drivers. REBRAE, 8(1), 53–68.


