Analysis of the process of adjusting organizational practices to meet international certification standards for leather production: a case study of a tannery in Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil


  • Dusan Schreiber
  • Tatiane Simfronio
  • José Cássio Simfronio



Sustainability, Environmental Management, Leather Industry


Intensification of competition between different players in the leather production market has forced companies to adopt organizational practices that can contribute to establishment of sustainable competitive advantages. Reviewing the modus operandi is one of the strategies they have employed to meet market demands. The tannery investigated in this study, ALPHA, located in the South of Brazil, chose to standardize its processes to meet an international standard developed specifically for the leather tanning industry. The Leather Working Group guidelines were used to direct the process of reviewing and changing organizational processes with a focus on environmental management. The investigation was conducted by means of a qualitative method using in-depth interviews and a documentary survey. This article describes the results achieved by the company in the following dimensions: survey of legal documentation; control of Wet-Blue leather and leather supplier development; control of restricted substances; creation of an emergency plan; energy efficiency; quality of atmospheric emissions; waste management; interaction with the community;
creation of an environmental management system; and control of water consumption and effluent treatment.


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How to Cite

Schreiber, D., Simfronio, T., & Simfronio, J. C. (2014). Analysis of the process of adjusting organizational practices to meet international certification standards for leather production: a case study of a tannery in Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil. REBRAE, 7(3), 332–349.


