Green factory as a factor of sustainability: the case of GM engine plant in Joinvile – SC


  • Eliana Vileide Guardabassio
  • Eduardo Linzmayer
  • Sergio Crispim
  • Sonia Teresa de Castro Coimbra Campos



Environmental management, Green factory, Photovoltaics, Reverse Osmosis, Wastewater Treatment.


The new engine plant by General Motors (GM) in Joinville-SC, inaugurated on February 27th 2013, incorporates the most advanced automotive technology processes and broad compliance with environmental standards and energy efficiency. The initiatives implemented in this industrial plant include processes with 100% of recycled industrial waste (landfill free) and pioneer systems in energy efficiency and environmental protection, qualifying the plant to obtain the global certification of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). This industrial project reveals the strategic importance of the region and of Brazil in the growth of GM in the world, becoming a reference for studies and project evaluations of "green" factories in the automotive sector. The present study performs an exploratory research based on scientific publications, assessing the direct and indirect impacts on the business outcome, resulting from implementation of industrial serviceoriented sustainability of its operations, referred to in this article as "Green Factory”. We concluded that the adopted technologies focused on sustainability, study and development, represent a new step for the design of new plants and future expansions of the company in the region, combining low operating cost, low environmental impact and conservation of natural resources. 


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How to Cite

Guardabassio, E. V., Linzmayer, E., Crispim, S., & de Castro Coimbra Campos, S. T. (2014). Green factory as a factor of sustainability: the case of GM engine plant in Joinvile – SC. REBRAE, 7(3), 350–363.


