Sustainable initiatives focused on social responsibility and regional development: a study of the leader of the petrochemical industry


  • Ana Maria Barbosa Socci
  • Luis Paulo Bresciani



Sustainability, Social Responsibility, Regional Development.


The present work will investigate the issue of environmental responsibility actions in the ABC Paulista region, of a leading company in the petrochemical sector. In this context, the problem has been to see how the leading company in the domestic petrochemical industry conducts itself relative to the concept of sustainability and what the consequences of these initiatives in the ABC Paulista are. Thus, the objectives are to identify these consequences and practices with regard to regional development in areas where the leader of the national petrochemical company has significant performance, with highlights on economic, social and environmental impacts. The present investigation is justified by the fact that the company is among the world leaders in the production of biopolymers. The methodology used was qualitative descriptive because this methodological procedure makes it possible to observe and analyze the facts relating to social responsibility initiatives undertaken by the company under study without manipulating them , in establishing correlations on perception of other stakeholders before the actions addressed in this research. Therefore, the results obtained indicate that environmental responsibility initiatives taken by the company satisfy the paradigm of Sustainability and Social Responsibility, in the promotion of regional development in its geographic area.


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How to Cite

Barbosa Socci, A. M., & Bresciani, L. P. (2014). Sustainable initiatives focused on social responsibility and regional development: a study of the leader of the petrochemical industry. REBRAE, 7(3), 281–294.


